Real Wedding - Charlotte & Shaker by Miki Photography

Charlotte & Shaker got married in August. He's Indian and she's Filipino so that a great cultural mix. They met 6 yrs ago whilst both working part-time at the cinema and they have now both gone onto different career paths. But when it came to proposing Shaker thought he go 'old school' and so did it in the cinema - during a film: Saw V11. Who says romance is dead?! What was sweet was he used the ring Charlotte had given him 6 yrs ago but this time added a diamond to it...Ahhh. He said she cried when he asked her but wasn't sure if it was because of the proposal or the film!!!

So when they got married it was unique in that they got married twice on the same day! He's Indian and She's Filipino but they're both born and raised in the UK so they wanted to fuse all those things together. So in the morning they had an Indian styled Registry wedding and in the afternoon they had a more traditional 'White' Wedding with Filipino traditions thrown in : ) As a nod to their UK routes they hired a vintage car in the end it turned out to be a VW lol! cause that's all they could get. Their reception was held at Walthamstow Town Hall.

They also made sure they gave plenty of time for photos to capture them and at various times during the day. That's why they were able to get such a varied mixture of images. All in all it was a really fun day!


Can't thank Mick enough for sending in this awesome wedding! what a cool couple, the last picture is my fave!

Words & Photography: MikiPhotography